Who would you invite to a fictional Women’s day celebration?

Sunday is Women's day here in South Africa. It is also Book Lover's day for all my reading friends out there. So to celebrate both with one blog post, I decided to have a closer look at my favourite female characters. Of course, it also gives you a chance to get to know me a…

15 Problems almost every Booklover can understand. Are there any more?

I honestly think not every reader will be able to understand every problem on this list or any other blogger's list. But I certainly have experienced each one of them, some even multiple times. 🙂 WARNING!!! I will be very dramatic in this post. Never having enough space on your bookshelves. I am sure we…

20 Questions Book Tag

I came across this blog post "Madame Writer's 20 Questions" while looking for the best way to tell you a little more about myself. I will be introducing myself bit by bit and share with you more about myself and my reading habits as this blog grows. To start, I thought these 20 questions are…